Peter, said that his director didn't have a solid idea about what he wanted.
#Chatterbox movie 2009 netflix series
Given what kind of show Big Shot is supposed to be and the fact that when the actor playing Punch in the series isn't on screen he speaks normally, it's unquestionably intentional.

His female co-host Judy has a much more identifiable Southern belle accent, it's merely inconsistent.

#Chatterbox movie 2009 netflix tv
A TV advert for PayPal (in the UK) shows a blonde woman drifting across a room expounding the virtues of cashless payment and all the things it can get you.A Chinese infomercial for King Double ceramic knives.The commercial cuts away just before he answers. One GEICO commercial showed some people who were confused as to whether the Gecko's accent is British or Australian.

Compare Fictional Accent, which this often overlaps with. If the character's accent makes them incomprehensible, see Unintelligible Accent. If the character denies they have an accent, it's Vot Ocksent?. If the accent starts recognizable but then inexplicably jumps on a cross-country road trip, then it's Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping. May overlap with Just a Stupid Accent, As Long as It Sounds Foreign or Unexplained Accent (if there's no in or out-of-universe reason the character should talk like this). Not to be confused with Not Even Bothering with the Accent where a character is supposed to be from Country Y but sounds just like the rest of the cast. One of the most common reasons is just that the actor is attempting to use a different nationality's accent as befits the character they are playing, with limited success, and a very confusing result. Or Sean Connery, whose Scottish accent was unique only to him. For instance think of Paul Hogan of "Crocodile" Dundee or Steve Irwin of Crocodile Hunter, when most Australians have accents more refined than that. And multiple times actors will speak with their natural accents and become the standard to compare to all other accents. Some accents may not be considered what is typical but may be truth in television regardless.

Accents can be blended and merged depending on the geographic history of the individual and whether they were raised bilingual or not. Of course, Reality Is Unrealistic may come into play here. Odds are good other aliens won't use the same accent, though. They may be an alien from Planet Z or perhaps just from another country. Other times this will be the character's natural accent. Another character will often lampshade this but it's not guaranteed. If the character knows what sort of accent they are going for then often it will sound nothing like it's supposed to. Sometimes, this comes about when the character will start using an accent for some reason or another. This Trope often comes in two forms but leaves the audience asking one question: What the Hell Is That Accent?